Outstanding people and loyal relationships. The Wafex way.
Our People and Our Values: Experienced and Committed
Today Wafex encompasses in excess of 150 staff worldwide, 300 customers and over 500 growers. Many of our staff have been with the company for over ten years and accordingly possess a wealth of industry knowledge and flower experience.
Staff at Wafex are also fully trained in quarantine procedures and have authority to inspect and issue Phytosanitary certificates on behalf of the Government
Wafex has a dedicated packing facility in Perth Western Australia where our staff can provide a range of value added options and services, including fumigation, tinting, preserving and drying flowers.
Wafex also has its own marketing and sales staff having established many dedicated marketing programmes.
Wafex is a family owned business with family values.
Along with our people the Wafex Values are our most important asset and are encompassed in our Teamwork, Accountability, Honesty, our Agility and Community Spirit.
Every staff member understands their role as part of the team and we enthusiastically celebrate the success of each other, never putting the individual ahead of the common goal.
We always respect our colleagues and partners, and we always have honest, upfront conversations to ensure we deliver on what we promise.
We are adaptable to make well informed decisions and we always rethink, reinvigorate and reinvent, believing there is always a better way!
Our people think globally and act locally!